Wednesday, December 2, 2009

EPA Awards Over $700,000.00 to Arkansas Dept of Health!

Today (12-02-2009) the EPA announces that they have awarded $735,920.00 to the Arkansas Department of Health (ADH).

For Arkansas residents who are on a community water system, these funds are to "ensure" that they are recieving clean and healthy drinking water. These monies will be used to make sure that these community run water drinking systems will comply with the National Primary Drinking Water Regulations. These are federal regulations that supercede State regulations or non-regulation.

Arkansas is in the Region 6 of the EPA. For contact information, the contact given is Dave Bary at 214-665-2200 or


  1. Unfortunatly there is NOT an Arkansas Department of Health. When you call them regarding health issues impacting the state...their normal response is...look we only have a few people running this place ...stand in line... Question, who will be WATCHING where the $$$$ go.

  2. Thank you for your comment. We can all watch on a daily basis...

    Here is the link to the U.S. site.

    Here is the Arkansas State Link...

    All of these sites have real people you can contact under the contact us pages. Some are phones, and some are e-mail addresses. You will get a response. It may take a week or so, if it has been more than 21 days, make a secondary contact and let them know of the first. :8 - >


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