"News Releases By Date: EPA Hosts Video Town Hall Meeting About Effective Land Use". Release date: 2/29/2010. Contact Latisha Petteway, petteway.latisha@epa.gov. 202-564-3191, 202-564-4355.
Tomorrow; March 30th, 2010, the EPA Office of Solid Waste and Emergency Response are hosting an on-line Town Meeting about the benefits of effective land use. The time is 2:00 p.m. - 2:45 pmEastern Standard Time. Mathy Stanislaus, assistant administrator will answer citizens questions about land use and the effectiveness of the use.
Questions can be posted at : townhallquestions@epa.gov
You may phone in, toll free: to listen at 1-877-220-5073. Conference Code is (65269385). If you listen in on the phone line, you can ask questions at the end. Remember there is a time limit, and hopefully a lot of people who want to join in.
Just a suggestion: During the Conference call, keep a note pad and pencil, pen, crayons or whatever, so you can write down things that you may want to ask about. Keep it simple and by staying on topic, the people who can help, will be better able to respond.
Try to think about how important cooperation and the good neigbor policy move issues along.
How our land is used, determines the health of our survival. From our land comes food.
The air above land, the water and chemicals that flow through our soil will eventually affect all life on this planet. We must do the best we can.
Thank each of you for what you do for the good of our habitat. Bless...
the link below takes you to video...