Whenever I take a look at these wonders of the Universe, I wonder how anyone can doubt that our biosphere is an entire living entity.
Space In Images: 09/2014, Artist's Impression of Type of Supernova;
- Released 12/09/2014 10:00 am Copyright ESA/ATG medialab/C. Carreau
Gaia, is a word for Earth, but it is also an exploratory vessel from the European Space Agency, which goes out to check our Universe, and reports back, images and useful information. Gaia goes so far away, out into the far reaches of Space, that there is no easy way to explain the distance. It is a distance of time, not just space.
We did not begin exploring the wonders of Space in the 1950's, men have been working on solving Universal mysteries for ages. From ESA Science & Technology, here is an image that is ancient, in the book of Man.
There are many different ideas as to our place in the Universe, as to whether we are the only intelligent life, and if we are the first two-leggeds to come to planet Earth. There are many, many discoveries that say no.
Archeological Discoveries & Ancient Astronauts [FULL DOCUMENTARY]
It is my opinion, that we are foolishly arrogant when it comes to the Human species, and I think it would behoove us to treat our Universe, Earth, and Fellow travelers well.