July 31, 2014 - RELEASE 14-205
It is safe to state that all of the geological theories we have been taught in Universities, are missing key elements. Look at the micro world of Geology, and then the Universe. Human beings have always had a misguided sense of importance in our place in the biosphere. It is plausible to consider we may actually not be kindred to apes and the like, but more resemble the dreaded and hated cockroach.
The cockroach, seems to have survived insurmountable odds of disasters that have struck down thousands of civilizations on our planet. They are carriers, like humans. They don't get sick. Have you ever seen an ill cockroach? The only roach I have ever seen, that appeared to be under the weather was a cockroach who has been poisoned. They do not go away, except for a short time. Wherever humans are, roaches are. This says a lot about the human species.
Each day, thanks to the endeavors of scientists and explorers, we are reaching farther into space, and away from Earth. Some are hopeful for a new habitat of a select group of human beings, others with good intentions see the end of this Geological Era coming at us as fast as an errant asteroid. My own theory about what we will find, is laughable to most other scientists, so I will keep that to myself for now, but here is a hint. Everything in nature, works like the human body.
When a human body suffers trauma, the whole system of the human being goes into heal mode. That system is very complex, but less of a mystery today, because of the continual process of using the scientific method. Two hundred years earlier, physicians thought a fever was the worst thing that could happen to a patient, but today we know that fever is a good thing in most cases. Our anti-bodies are on a search and destroy mission, to destroy what ails us. What makes us so arrogant, that we do not consider that the Universe operates the same way?
Who is to say that an asteroid is not an anti-body, that a pyro-clastic volcanic explosion, is not part of healing Earth's systems? It may be something to think about. Coming from a cockroach point of view. Who do we think we are, versus the Universe?
Mount St. Helens Eruption May 18, 1980 (2010) US Geological Survey (USGS)
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