Thursday, July 1, 2010

Nyanza Chemical Waste Dump - EPA Gives an Extra 30 Days for Public Comment!

"New Releases By Date: EPA Extends Public Comment Period for Proposed Clean Up Plan for Nyanza Chemical Waste Dump" Release date: 07/01/2010 Contact Information: Kelsey O'Neil, (617)918-1799

The Nyanza Chemical Waste Dump, is a Superfund Site, in Ashland, Massachusetts. A Superfund Site is determined by several different factors. It is not just one thing that makes a piece of industrial land a Superfund, but it had to start out as industrial or commercial to end up being called Superfund. When an Industry is making a product like Bromide, Chlorine, even Windmill Blades; the production of these items causes waste. In regulatory [at EPA, State Department of Environmental Quality & Industry], circles it is referred to as Waste By-Product.

Our way of doing business the last 100 years, and promoting "progress" has turned us to a dependence on Chemicals. During periods of Industrial growth, the focus became strictly a financial focus, and a hope of New Prosperity came at a price we still have not realized. The 'inspiration' for industrial ideas is what every American or follower of Hill, Armour and Ford hopes for. I think what steered us wrong was 1). The desire to do everything faster., 2). Greed. Inspiration, must be followed through to the end. 

 There are different classifications of violated Lands for Industrial use. A National Priority List property, is one where properties are being monitored, because it is 'suspected' that there are possible chemical or other toxins, and the property has been abandoned by the Industry. This happens when the parameters of safety and the ability to thrive, for human life is violated or possibly violated.

The Nyanza site is next to active industrial sites. This means that the 10,000 residents near to the 35-acre site, have this old toxic mess that was spilled, dumped and buried on site by this one violator who operated there from 1965 - 1978. The site was first used for Industry in 1917. There was no Environmental Protection Agency, there was no Clean Air Act, no Clean Water act. Uses before Nyanza were:production of textile dyes, intermediates, and other products. There are Six propositions for remediation [or not] of different areas of the Nyanza site. They are:
Nyanza used Over 45,000 tons of chemical sludges generated by Nyanza's wastewater treatment processes, along with spent solvents and other chemical wastes, were buried on site. The area that contains the largest amount of buried waste and exposed sludge is referred to as the Hill section.
In many of these agreements or settlements on lands that lay in waste, is to simply do nothing.

 Reports are generated by engineering firms for Government Agencies, that are often "Cut & Paste" for reports to say nothing and everything. Many reports will say, "...there is no confirmed changes in toxicity levels for ABC Creek. Tests were done 12-02-2002. {Test results not confirmed, turned in, verified. Fill in blank - Awaiting results} In some cases it is the same Engineering firm or Consulting firm who assisted the last violator in obtaining permits to pollute, compiled testing and reports for the Industry. Environmental Consulting firms make a truckload of money, they are not regulated by anyone, and they will be the ones paid taxpayer dollars to "monitor" superfund, or NPL properites ~ sweet deal, huh.

1). Enhanced Natural Recovery (ENR)
2). Monitored Natural Recovery (MNR) in other reaches of the river
3). Limited Action for Reach 8
4).“Institutional Controls” throughout the river
5). No Action for Reaches 5 and 7
6). Reviews will also be conducted every five years

This is a time that residents who are affected by this continued toxic soup, to have some say. Maybe you can see Environmental Justice.

I noticed in this article, that they mentioned that the "current owner leases out parts of this to other industry." That is a bit confusing, because as a Superfund site, it is being maintained by Taxpayer dollar.

EPA is accepting Public Comment on the Nyanza Chemical Waste Dump Superfund site Clean-up proposal, until August 26, 2010. Comments can be sent by mail, e-mail, or fax:

Daniel Keefe
Project Manager
EPA New England
5 Post Office Sq. Suite 100 Boston, MA 02109-3912

E-Mail Comments to
Fax Comments to 617-918-0327

Follow this link for more information on the Nyanza Chemical Waste Dump Superfund site Clean-up

Thank you for taking time to read this information. Thank you for every "one thing" you do to enhance and protect our environment. Thank you for your public service.

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