Cheyenne River Sioux Tribe Gets Brownfield Monies to Clean up Old Swiftbird Day School Site 05/28/2014
The Environmental Protection Agency announced today that the Cheyenne River Sioux Tribe will receive $200,000.00 to clean up the Old Swift Bird Day School Site.
Cleanup Grant
$200,000 for hazardous substances
EPA has selected the Cheyenne River Sioux Tribe for a brownfields cleanup grant. Hazardous substances grant funds will be used to clean up the Old Swiftbird Day School site located north of Highway 212 and west of Junction BIA-7 in the Swiftbird Community of the Cheyenne River Reservation. The site was used as a primary school from 1960 until 1997, as storage and a gift shop from 1997 until 2008, and has been boarded up and abandoned since 2008. The site is contaminated with organic and inorganic materials and PCBs. Grant funds also will be used to support cleanup planning and community involvement activities (USA EPA Brownfields Grant Fact Sheet.)
For more information:
news and events, and publications and links, visit the EPA Brownfields Web site ( EPA Region 8 Brownfields Team (303) 312-6706
EPA Region 8 Brownfields Web site ( )
Grant Recipient: Cheyenne River Sioux Tribe,SD
The information presented in this fact sheet comes from the grant proposal; EPA cannot attest to the
accuracy of this information. The cooperative agreement for the grant has not yet been negotiated.
Therefore, activities described in this fact sheet are subject to change.
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