Thursday, July 31, 2014

Ancient Earth fossils could be found on the moon - space - 28 July 2014 - New Scientist

Ancient Earth fossils could be found on the moon - space - 28 July 2014 - New Scientist

Here we go folks, there are some of us geology students, who have some opposing theories as to the formation of Earth as we know it, from the early break-up of Pangaea, to the formation of the Ozark Orogeny, and even today in some ways, Earthlings have been led to believe we are the center of, and the most important thing going for all of our biosphere.

The more exploration into space via cameras and telescopes, the more mysteries are solved

This particular project took place in Antarctica, where scientists are searching for meteorites and chunks of asteroids. Due to their findings, this strengthens the idea that pieces of Earth can be found on other planets as well.  . 

According to this article, no one has found valid proof of earth's germs or debris on the moon. One theory about asteroids and other chunks of stuff that has been found on both the Moon and Mars, and chunks of meteorites retrieved for study from Earth, surmise it is a possibility that planets randomly chunk rocks at one another. 

ALH 84001 and Other Martian Meteorites - Stanford - YouTube

That said, there is hope that some ancient fossils from an earlier Planet Earth may prove that theory to be true.

It is understandable that scientists want to try to find another habitat for humans to land, but that will not happen. We need to heal and care for what we were given. 

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